US Popularity:6402
Meaning:Boar friend; Green water
Irvina is a girl’s name of British origin. This enchanting name derives from two names. From Eoforwine, Irvinia means “boar friend,” while from the male name Irving, this name also means “green water.” A name like Irvina can inspire a love of animals and nature, as well as an admiration for the tranquillity of lakes and the sea. This name can remind them that they can always return to the joy of the natural world when the hustle and bustle of life overwhelm them. With such a distinct and classic tone, baby Irvina is sure to leave a long-lasting impression wherever they go.

Irvina Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1954
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  • Behind the Name, Irvina, January 2021

  • Behind the Name, Irvin, June 2019

  • WordSense Dictionary, Irving

  • WordSense Dictionary, Irwin

  • Behind the Name, Irving, January 2022

  • Behind the Name, Eoforwine, December 2022

  • Name Doctor, Irving

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