US Popularity:9527
Meaning:Indestructible, immortal
Akhilesh is a masculine name of Indian origin that means "indestructible" and "immortal." This name has connotations of otherworldly strength and bravery, making it the perfect option for a budding warrior. Akhilesh is a popular name in India and is often associated with success, such as movie director Akhilesh Jaiswal and notable plant biologist Akhilesh Kumar Tyagi. If you seek a name that celebrates baby's Indian heritage and will inspire them to never give up, look no further than Akhilesh.

Akhilesh Name Popularity Data

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Akhilesh is currently #4383 on The Bump
Boy:Akhilesh is currently #2460 on The Bump Boy Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2012
+ 1451
from 2011
In comparison to the previous year's data

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