US Popularity:9852
Meaning:Man's defender; Excel; Shine
Cassaundra is a feminine name with Greek roots and serves as a fun spin on the classic Cassandra. Related to Alexander, it can translate to “man’s defender.” It may also come from the Greek word kekasmai, meaning “excel” or “shine” and encouraging your little one to strive to be the greatest. If you’ve got a love for Greek mythology, this name may remind you of the prophetess Cassandra, who predicted the fall of Troy but was cursed to never be believed. Whether you want baby to share your love for mythology or be inspired to raise their voice no matter what, Cassaundra can speak volumes.

Cassaundra Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2014
+ 5228
from 2012
In comparison to the previous year's data

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