US Popularity:28043
Other Origin(s):British, Greek
Meaning:Luxury, elegance; Dolphin; Promised to God
Delcie is a girl’s name whose origins are hard to pin down. By its spelling and beautiful sound, Delcie may be a form of the Latin Delicia, meaning “luxury” and “elegance.” Delcie rhymes with Delphi, a name that’s increasing in popularity as a beloved Greek title meaning “dolphin.” Finally, this lyrical appellation could be a respelling of Delsie, an English name meaning “promised to God.” With several origins to choose from, you and baby Delcie can decide together which meaning they like the most or even carry all three proudly.

Delcie Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2020
- 1475
from 2019
In comparison to the previous year's data

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