US Popularity:8872
Meaning:Manly, masculine; Valley; Leader; Follower of Dionysus
Deondra is a feminine name of American creations with English and Latin origins. A variant of Deandre, it comes from the Greek Andreas, meaning “manly” or “masculine.” If you prefer a more earthy tone, Deondra can also be a variant of the English names Deanna and Dean, meaning “valley.” This connection can also translate Deondra to “leader,” inspiring your little one’s potential to lead the charge. For a more mythical touch, Deondra can come from the Greek Dion, meaning “follower of Dionysus,” and connecting baby to the Greek god of wine and revelry. It may also have links to the Greek Diana, the goddess of hunting and the moon. Whether baby is more connected to their celestial side or down-to-earth side, Deondra can give them plenty of inspiration to lead them to their destiny.
Deondra Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2016
- 4784
from 2015
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