US Popularity:27998
If your little one is destined to make a difference in the world, look no further than the endearing Eartha. Eartha is a girl’s name of English origin, meaning “earth,” whose elements “earth” and the suffix “a” become one to create the mighty moniker it is today. While a name like Eartha may appear more likely to please gardeners or green activists, humanitarianism is where it makes its mark. Eartha M. M. White was an African-American soprano singer who dedicated her life to helping those in need, building nursing homes, nurseries, and orphanages. Eartha may be one in a million, but there’s no end to the beautiful meaning it brings to baby’s journey.

Eartha Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2020
- 4907
from 1995
In comparison to the previous year's data

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