US Popularity:6864
Meaning:Noble; Courageous
Ellard is a beautiful boy’s name of German origin, meaning “noble” or “courageous,” and a brilliant way to bring out the battler in baby. The name Ellard is derived from the Old German name Adalhard, which also bears meanings of nobility and nerve, and may spring to mind other extraordinary names like Allard or Aldert. The name Ellard is also borne by those who’ve left the world with a great legacy, like Major General Ellard A. Walsh, whose wing in the National Guard Memorial in Washington, DC, is titled in his tribute. Bold in all its being, let Ellard be the name that stirs a soul for service in your little one.

Ellard Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1959
+ 308
from 1955
In comparison to the previous year's data

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