US Popularity:8073
Meaning:Little Kim; Raised by Yahweh; Royal fortress field; Royal brave field; Clearing, meadow
Kimilee is a feminine name of American creation that can serve as a fun spin on the classic Kimberly. Kimi is a diminutive version of Kimberley, which carries meanings of “royal fortress field” and “royal brave field.” The -lee suffix, meaning “meadow” or “clearing” in Old English, will strengthen baby’s desire to have a safe space in the world to call their own. Kimi may also be a Finnish nickname for Joachim, meaning “Raised by Yahweh.” If you want to give baby a harmonious name that can subtly connect them to your faith, Kimilee makes for a lovely choice.

Kimilee Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1968
- 1279
from 1955
In comparison to the previous year's data

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