US Popularity:10873
Meaning:Martial, warlike; dedicated to Mars
Markey is a Latin boy’s name. It is a variation of Markie, which means “martial,” “warlike,” and “dedicated to Mars.” Mars was the Roman god of war, one of the most significant gods. Today, a temple dedicated to him still stands in the Roman Forum, and Roman citizens would pray to him before and after military campaigns. Both the planet Mars and the month of March were named to pay homage to the mythical god. If baby Markey lives up to their namesake, you may find them on the warpath when naptime comes around. This is an adorable choice for a little one born in early spring or a future astronomy fanatic.

Markey Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2017
+ 1213
from 2015
In comparison to the previous year's data

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