US Popularity:11911
Meaning:Literary invention; Butterfly
Help baby take flight from the start with the name Vanesia. This feminine name has English roots, acting as a fun spin on the name Vanessa. While this may be best known as the name for a genus of butterflies, this name was actually invented by Gulliver’s Travels author Jonathan Swift. Back in the early 18th century, Swift wrote the poem Cadenus and Vanessa as a way to tell the story of him and his lover, Esther Vanhomrigh. Taking parts of her first and last name, he created the name Vanessa and unknowingly created a popular name with a variety of spelling variants. If you want to encourage baby to be a similar type of trailblazer, Vanesia is sure to get the inspiration flowing.
Vanesia Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1991
- 3060
from 1989
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