US Popularity:26303
Fouad is a beautiful masculine name that can always remind baby how close they are to your heart. Boasting a range of variations, it can be spelled as Fuad, Fuaad, or Foad. It stems from the Arabic fū’ād or فؤَاد and has the lovely definition of “heart,” honoring baby’s warm presence and kind spirit. As a given name Fouad became a popular choice in the 9th century and was borne by two Kings of Egypt. The root of Fouad is fa’ada which means “burning or a flame,” and is often used to describe a heart that is “inflamed with emotion,” making for a worthy choice for celebrating baby’s sensitive little soul.
Fouad Name Popularity Data
U.S. Births
Overall:Fouad is currently #26303 in U.S. births
Boy:Fouad is currently #12790 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 6554
from 2022
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