US Popularity:11710
Meaning:Embrace; Mint, basil
Habacuc is a masculine name of Hebrew origin with multiple possible meanings. Traditionally spelled Habakkuk, this name can come from the Hebrew word khavák or chavaq, meaning “embrace.” This can be a lovely way to remind baby that they always have a welcome place in your arms. Habacuc may also mean “basil” or “mint,” connecting baby to two types of lush, aromatic leaves to connect them to nature. If you plan on sharing your faith with baby, this name can also have links to Habakkuk, a book in the Old Testament and the minor Hebrew prophet. With all of these meanings and roots, little Habacuc will have plenty of inspiration to help them find their path in life.

Habacuc Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2013
- 810
from 2004
In comparison to the previous year's data

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