US Popularity:10510
Meaning:Virgin, maiden; Mother of Hanuman
Jini, though humbly minimalistic, is a feminine name whose roots travel as far back as Ancient Rome. A variation of Jinny, Jini stems from the Latin Virgĭnĭa, meaning “virgin” and “maiden,” once borne by a prominent Roman family. Classic and refined, Jini offers a modern spelling of a name steeped in antiquity. Jini may also be a short form of the Sanskrit name Anjini. This lyrical title is loved in Indian-speaking communities and derives from Anjana, the name of a celestial nymph and mother of Hanuman in Hinduism. Whichever direction you wish to take with this high-minded appellation, baby Jini will have a name worth honoring.
Jini Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1984
+ 91
from 1982
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