US Popularity:9619
Meaning:Ice; Crystal, rock crystal
Give baby a name as vibrant and bright as Kristle. This is typically a name for a girl, deriving from the Greek term κρύσταλλος, translating to “ice,” “crystal,” and “rock crystal.” The word originated from the Ancient Greek κρύος, which means “ice-cold,” “frost,” and “chilliness.” Many people believe in the healing powers of crystals, from tranquility and love to rejuvenation and prosperity. Each is unique and beautiful in its own way, just like baby Kristle. Whether you are a lover of astrology or simply believe baby will be brilliant and bright, Kristle is the clear choice for you.

Kristle Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1998
+ 590
from 1997
In comparison to the previous year's data

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