Other Origin(s):Greek, Russian
Meaning:Hospitality; Welcoming; Guest; Stranger
You can count on baby Ksenia to be the fabulous host of your humble household. This beautiful girl's name is a Polish take on the Russian Xenia and Ukranian Kseniya. Ksenia comes from the Greek xénos, meaning "guest" or "stranger." Used mainly in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and Greece, Ksenia is an Eastern European jewel that you can use to honor your little one's ancestry. With additional translations of "hospitality" and "welcoming," your little angel may have a charming and curious personality, allowing them to make friends wherever they go!

Ksenia Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2019
- 2218
from 2018
In comparison to the previous year's data
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