US Popularity:8537
Other Origin(s):Hebrew
Meaning:A release of a man; Defender of men, protector of man; God is my oath
Lyrical Lizandra is awash with moral integrity, a feminine name with multiple origins to explore. Lizandra likely derives from the Greek Lúsandros, an ancient name meaning “a release of a man.” Sharing roots in Greek and Hebrew, Lizandra may be a modern blend of Liz and Alexandra, meaning “God is my oath” and “defender of man” or “protector of men.” If mercifulness, loyalty, courage, and love are all qualities you wish to instill in your little warrior, Lizandra may serve as baby’s unwavering muse.

Lizandra Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2017
- 7563
from 2016
In comparison to the previous year's data

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