Other Origin(s):Greek, Latin
Meaning:One born at Easter; One born during Passover; Peace
As the spring flowers bloom and Easter approaches, you might just be celebrating a very special occasion, your baby Pacey’s arrival. While more commonly an English surname, Pacey offers an “eggcellent” first name option for your littlest bunny. Deriving from the Latin and Greek word Pascha, meaning “Easter,” Pacey is thought to describe “one born at Easter.” Pacey could also translate to “one born during Passover,” a religious festival celebrated in Judaism. If your Pacey brings with them nothing but calm, peace, and serenity, you’ll know why, as their name also has connections to the Latin word pax, meaning “peace.”

Pacey Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
- 5958
from 2021
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