US Popularity:9953
Meaning:City dweller
Scheherazade is a feminine name of Arabic origin. Signifying a “city dweller,” this soft and sibilant name is a spectacular choice if your little one is already set on spreading their wings! In Middle Eastern culture, the hustle and bustle of the big city is where people feel most unfettered by the pressures of life. And whatever that might mean for baby, you can be sure that once sweet, sweet freedom falls into their little hands, they’ll be flying the nest in no time. Scheherazade is also a loving allusion to literary figure Shahrazad from The Arabian Nights Entertainments, who, as the story goes, distracted a Persian prince from destruction with her spellbinding stories, freeing victim after victim from their eventual demise. Filled with fighting spirit, Scheherazade can inspire in baby a longing for the liberation of all.
Scheherazade Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Scheherazade is currently #4661 on The Bump
Girl:Scheherazade is currently #3099 on The Bump Girl Names
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1978
- 1715
from 1977
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