US Popularity:5066
Meaning:Near the Tiber River; Of Tiber
Steeped in history and prosperity, this name is sure to influence a powerful leader in your little one. Of Latin origin and masculine, it means "near the Tiber River" or "of Tiber," referring to Italy's third largest river, which flows right through the heart of Rome. A moniker truly fit for royalty, it was bestowed upon the second Roman emperor, Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus, who was revered as the Roman god of the river after his death. With a name like Tiberius, you can expect nothing but greatness from your little emperor.

Tiberius Name Popularity Data

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Tiberius is currently #2834 on The Bump
Boy:Tiberius is currently #1587 on The Bump Boy Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Tiberius is currently #5066 in U.S. births
Boy:Tiberius is currently #2353 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
- 61
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data

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