US Popularity:21215
Meaning:Show; Child; Happiness; Reason; To rise
Yukiko is a beautiful feminine name of Japanese origin. Stemming from the Japanese 幸 or yuki, it boasts the ever-so-sweet definition of “snow child,” making for a meaningful choice for little winter babies. Yukiko can be spelled using different combinations of kanji characters, so you can choose your favorite definition to bestow upon baby. For example, 幸子 means “happiness” and “child,”  while 由起子 means “reason,” “to rise,” and “child.” As well as offering a wide selection of beautiful meanings, Yukiko can also be shortened to Yuki as a doting nickname for your little one.

Yukiko Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
+ 4541
from 2018
In comparison to the previous year's data

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