US Popularity:5057
Meaning:From Adria, Italy; son of Adam, Earth; God is just; Noble wolf
Ad is a short, sweet, masculine name with Dutch roots, serving as a nickname for a variety of classic monikers. It’s traditionally used as a shortened version of Adriaan, the Dutch variant of the Latin name Adrian. Translating to “from Adria, Italy,” this name can connect your little one to the canalside town that’s rich with history. Ad can also come from the Old English name Addison, meaning “son of Adam.” In turn, its connections to the Hebrew Adam translate it to “earth” or “red soil,” making it a lovely choice to keep baby grounded. If you’re looking to connect baby to your faith, Ad can come from the Hebrew Adlai, meaning “God is just.” Finally, it can come from the German Adolphus, meaning “noble wolf.” Whether you want to encourage your little one’s wanderlust, earthy spirit, or free-spirited wolf-like soul, the name Ad packs plenty of inspiration for them in just two letters.
Ad Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
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+ 159
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