US Popularity:3770
Other Origin(s):Arabic
Meaning:Sky; Garment, cloth; Amber; People, nation; Son; Cereal; Grain
With the gentle meanings of “sky,” “cloth,” and “garment,” the Hindi name Ambar is sure to stand out in your mind like a shining star. This name also has significance in other languages, like Indonesian, as a form of Amber, which stems from the Arabic root anbar. This fiery orange stone is fossilized tree resin and is loved for its ability to preserve prehistoric creatures and in spiritual practices, too. In more modern times, Ambar is a blend of the Hebrew element am with Bar, meaning “people” or “nation” and “son” or “cereal” and “grain.” Ambar has cool gender-neutral vibes like Alex, Dylan, and Avery and is memorable for its rich vowel sounds.
Ambar Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Ambar is currently #4592 on The Bump
Boy:Ambar is currently #2579 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Ambar is currently #3055 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Ambar is currently #3770 in U.S. births
Girl:Ambar is currently #2083 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 317
from 2022
Wisdom Library, Ambar: 3 definitions, Hindi dictionary, December 2022
Name Doctor, Ámbar
Behind the Name, Ambar (1)(2)(3), December 2023
Behind the Name, Bar, December 2022
WordSense Dictionary, Ambar (Indonesian)
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