US Popularity:25681
Meaning:Exalted one; Fire goddess; Power, strength, vigor; Virtue
Bridie is a feminine name of Irish origin that stems from the name Brigid. Just like Brigid, Bridie means “the exalted one,” “fire goddess,” “power,” “strength,” “vigor,” and “virtue.” In ancient Celtic religion, Brigid was the title given to the goddess of prophecy, divination, crafts, and the poetic arts. Brigid’s Irish equivalent was a daughter of the Dagda, the chief of the gods. This revered entity is still beloved in Ireland, with many celebrating Brigid’s festival, Imbolc, on February 1st each year. In the fifth century AD, the goddess Brigid was transformed by the Christian Church into Saint Brigid, and Imbolc became her feast day. So, if you need a role model to remind baby of their epic Celtic ancestry, Bridie will surely suit baby’s fiery soul.
Bridie Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Bridie is currently #3697 on The Bump
Girl:Bridie is currently #2479 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Bridie is currently #25681 in U.S. births
Girl:Bridie is currently #15530 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 5727
from 2022
Name Doctor, Bridget
Britannica, Brigit, Celtic deity, May 2020
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