Irish Baby Names
If green rolling landscapes, a strong sense of perseverance, and a land with a little bit of magic sounds like home for you, picking from this list of Irish names might be the exact thing you and baby needed. We know picking a name for baby is a hard, important choice but this list of beautiful Irish baby girl and baby boy names can make it so much easier.
Irish Baby Boy Names

When considering an Irish baby boy name, the choice can feel overwhelming — especially if you can’t quite figure out the pronunciation of Irish, but don’t worry, that’ll come in time! Ireland is the land of saints and scholars with hundreds of stories, characters, writers, actors, musicians, and so many more aspects of the culture to be inspired by. If you’re an admirer of classic literature or any of the other huge Irish contributions to worldwide culture through the years, an Irish baby boy name is a choice that just makes sense.
Irish Baby Girl Names

Choosing an Irish baby girl name is often a natural next step for a person with a proud heritage that they want to see represented in baby. These names are made up of badass pirate queens, actors you love, spellings that feel unusual for the names you recognize, and names that can be traced back through generations. Picking an Irish name is essentially the same as picking a story for baby to be able to lean on for their life, and that’s a powerful thing.
Popular Irish Baby Names

Finding a name for baby that gives you that exact right gut feeling can be really hard. But when breezing through popular Irish baby names, you’re lucky enough to be getting the cream of the crop. These names are tried and tested and you get to pick your favorites from everyone else’s favorites; your choice couldn’t be easier or more confidently made! Popular Irish baby names take your heritage and interests into account and give baby a carefully picked name to hold onto for their whole life.
Unique Irish Baby Names

You likely know many people with Irish heritage because of the mass emigration and subsequent settling all over the world during the great famine. But what you might not see commonly now are the Irish names that would have been a part of centuries old family trees. Unique Irish baby names offer a way to stand out in the crowd and pay homage to baby’s heritage in one fell swoop.
Cute Irish Baby Names

Baby is cuter than even the little faerie doors sprinkled around Ireland, and that’s just a fact. With being so unbelievably adorable, they need a name to match that and a cute Irish baby name is certainly an excellent option to turn to. These names have that familiar Irish lilt mixed with fun ways to be spelled and come out the other side with undeniably cute options.
Cool Irish Baby Names

There’s so many different aspects that come into play when thinking about what we think is cool. But the unique and wonderful thing about such a definition is that you get to decide for yourself! Whether a traditional Irish name with Irish spelling or a contemporary twist on the classics is what you’re looking for, we all know baby will rock it. They are definitely going to be the coolest person you know, so choosing a cool Irish baby name for them simply makes sense.
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