Other Origin(s):German, Welsh
Meaning:Of Emery; Powerful; Industrious; Ruler; Home; Of Emrys; Immortal
Just as there are many words you could use to describe your little one, their name, Emry, has almost just as many meanings! A gender neutral name, Emry is an alternative spelling of Emery, an English moniker that has been around since the Middle Ages. Emry and Emery both have German roots, with Ermenrich, Amalric, and Haimeric just a few examples of related names to consider. Possible meanings include “powerful,” ”industrious,” “ruler,” and “home,” all traits that your baby might aspire to. Emry could also be a shortened form of Emrys, the Welsh variant of Ambrose, meaning “immortal,” so be prepared to experience an everlasting bond with your little Emry.

Emry Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2022
- 86
from 2021
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