US Popularity:9746
Meaning:One who sees God, God has seen
Hazael is a boy’s name of Hebrew origin, meaning “one who sees God” or “God has seen.” During the 9th century BCE, King Hazael reigned the Syrian city of Damascus after the death of Ben-Hadad. When Ben-Hadad was ill, he sent Hazael to the prophet Elisha to ask about his recovery chances. Elisha prophesied that the reigning King would die and Hazael would succeed him. Hazael returned to Ben-Hadad to kill him and ruled for many years following his death. Although appearing brutal and unkind, Hazael was featured at length in the Torah and has become a well-known biblical and cultural figure throughout the centuries. If you want to give baby a name that helps you share your faith with them, Hazael packs plenty of power.
Hazael Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Hazael is currently #4226 on The Bump
Boy:Hazael is currently #2368 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Hazael is currently #9746 in U.S. births
Boy:Hazael is currently #4629 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
- 510
from 2022
Abarim Publications, Hazael meaning, November 2023
Name Doctor, Hazael
Behind the Name, Hazael, June 2023
Britannica, Hazael, king of Damascus, March 2024
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