US Popularity:10200
Meaning:Obedient one
Thanks to the Kanji, Katakana, and Hiragana syllabaries, the masculine name Junichi can be written with many different characters. Junichi is of Japanese origin and, among many varied possibilities, has the accepted meaning of "obedient one." The meaning of ichi is almost always "one," while jun can mean various things, including "pure," "honest," "moisture," "obey," and "approve." When your little one grows a couple of years older, they will be all too familiar with the name Junichi Masuda. He has worked in the video game industry for over five decades and was one of the original developers of the Pokémon series. Whether to award him credit or hold him responsible for doing so depends on your age, but baby Junichi, for one, will be thankful for his hard work.
Junichi Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1989
- 44
from 1979
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