US Popularity:26269
Other Origin(s):Japanese
Meaning:The seeker; The one who; To seek; Beautiful; Reality; Ocean; Good
Kaimi is a gender-neutral name of Hawaiian and Japanese origin. Hawaiian roots give this moniker the meaning “the seeker,” with ka meaning “the one who” and ‘imi translating to “to seek.” In Japanese kanji, Kaimi can have multiple meanings depending on the characters used to write it, with some of the common choices being “beautiful,” “reality," “ocean,” and “good.” With a name like Kaimi, baby will undoubtedly grow up to embrace their natural curiosity and inquisitive nature.

Kaimi Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2019
- 1713
from 2015
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • Behind the Name, Kaimi, December 2016

  • Japanese Names .info, Kaimi

  • Ulukau, ʻimi

  • Ulukau, ka

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