US Popularity:9470
Meaning:Mother moon; Quiet, calm, still
Laquilla is a girl’s name with diverse origins and meanings. As a full name, it is of recent American origin, combining the prefix La- with Quilla. Quilla may be the Spanish version of Killa, a word from the Indigenous Quechuan language that means “mother moon.” Alternatively, Quilla could come from the Italian name Tranquillo, which derives from the Latin word tranquillus and means “quiet,” “calm,” and “still.” With such name roots, baby Laquilla can remember to stay as calm and serene as a summer’s night. Your little moonbeam will surely make you proud as they learn and grow.

Laquilla Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1990
+ 1427
from 1989
In comparison to the previous year's data

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