US Popularity:1002
Other Origin(s):French
Meaning:Young lion, lion cub
Lionel is a boy’s name of French and Greek origin, meaning “young lion” or “lion cub.” A small yet mighty being in their early years, baby Lionel will grow to be proud, fearless, and energetic, just like the wild creature from which they get their name. A leonine name, this title is in the same family as Leo and Leonardo. These names share many things in common, particularly their notoriety amongst artists, academics, and sports stars. With so many positive influences to look to, baby Lionel will know that the sky—or maybe anything outside of what the light touches—is the limit.
Lionel Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Lionel is currently #1944 on The Bump
Boy:Lionel is currently #1093 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Lionel is currently #1002 in U.S. births
Boy:Lionel is currently #494 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 131
from 2022
100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 461
Behind the Name, Lionel, December 2022
Behind the Name, Leon, June 2023
Name Doctor, Lionel
Online Etymology Dictionary, Lionel, October 2017
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