US Popularity:22676
Unleash your little one's mighty roar with the boy's name, Quillen. Rooted in Irish heritage, this fearless moniker carries a fascinating origin as a family title and in the Irish language itself. As a surname, it traces its roots to the personal name Hugelin, a charming diminutive of Hugh, and takes the form of Mac Uighilin in Irish. The name Quillen, with its delightful meaning of 'cub,' is like a playful bear, and it finds its inspiration in the Irish word 'coileán,' which speaks of a young pup, cub, or the youthful spirit of a person. It's a name that encapsulates youth's boundless energy and potential, making it a heartwarming choice for baby by encouraging them to always be young at heart, even in their later years!
Quillen Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2022
- 1435
from 2021
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