US Popularity:12335
Meaning:God is my righteousness; Ingenuity of God
Sachiel is a masculine name whose exact meaning remains a mystery. This handsome title first appeared in the 16th century, mentioned in the French grimoire, the Heptaméron, written by Marguerite de Navarre. Thought to be inspired by the Hebrew names Zadkiel and Sahaquiel, Sachiel adopts the faithful endearments “God is my righteousness” and “ingenuity of God,” respectively. Sachiel is the name of the archangel who rules Thursday, the planet Jupiter, and the zodiac signs Pisces and Sagittarius. From its angelic association to its deeply spiritual roots, Sachiel suits the little cherub ready to shine their light on the world.

Sachiel Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2008
- 3974
from 1996
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • #N/A
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