US Popularity:11188
Meaning:A fertile plain
Sharene is a beautiful girl's name that reflects the blossoming character of your little one. A variant of Sharon, which appeared in the top ten US baby girl names of the 1940s, Sharene means "a fertile plain." This definition is of biblical and Hebrew origin as it refers to HaSharon or the Sharon plain, which lies beneath Mount Carmel near the Mediterranean Sea. This historically significant area became Israel's most densely populated area in 2008 and, in the Bible, was one of the dwellings of the Tribe of Gad. Baby Sharene will grow into a caring spirit, cultivating love and joy in your family's journey with their warm and nurturing presence.
Sharene Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1994
+ 13
from 1993
- #N/A
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