US Popularity:12167
Other Origin(s):Latin
Meaning:Blind, one-eyed
Sheilah is a feminine name and form of Sheila, inspired by the anglicized Irish Síle. Recognized across the globe for its cheerful demeanor, Sheilah joins a fleet of respellings with its double “h” standing out from the crowd. Stemming from the Latin Caecilius and Cecilia, Sheilah inherits the meanings “one-eyed” or “blind.” Sheilah and its variants remain popular in faithful communities worldwide thanks to the Roman Saint Cecilia, patron of music and musicians. From its upbeat rhythm to its musical association, Sheilah reminds us that seeing is not always believing—sometimes, you just need to trust the good vibrations.
Sheilah Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2009
- 4527
from 2007
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