US Popularity:27464
Meaning:Darling, dear, beloved; Sweet
If you're searching for a name as sweet as summer fruit and endearing enough that baby will always know the special place they have in your heart, you can stop the search here! With French inspiration, the name Shereen means “darling,” “dear,” and “beloved.” It receives its meaning as the name is thought to come from the French word chérie. Alternatively, the moniker may stem from the fortified wine—sherry—made in the Spanish town Jerez de la Frontera. The name derived from the Arabic Sherish, which stemmed from the Persian Shirin, meaning “sweet.” This darling name will be able to give baby a loving squeeze even when you’re not with them.
Shereen Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2019
- 1966
from 2017
Name Doctor, Shereen
Behind the Name, Shereen, January 2019
Behind the Name, Shirin, April 2021
Behind the Name, Sherry, January 2022
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