US Popularity:7011
Meaning:Talented; Year; Agile; Year of plenty
If you're looking to honor baby's heritage with a Japanese name, meet your new favorite, Toshi. This gender-neutral pick can be represented with several kanji characters, including 俊, meaning "talented," 年, meaning "year," and 敏, meaning "agile." Some say it translates to "year of plenty," so baby's first precious months will surely be a blast! Toshi is also a shell's throw from Yoshi, pal to Mario and Luigi in the classic Nintendo game Super Mario World. Speedrunner or not, your little one will discover their talents in due time and with pizazz.

Toshi Name Popularity Data

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Toshi is currently #3436 on The Bump
Boy:Toshi is currently #1933 on The Bump Boy Names
Girl:Toshi is currently #2312 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1973
+ 539
from 1971
In comparison to the previous year's data

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