US Popularity:5264
Claudio is a masculine name linked to ancient prominence. Born from the Roman Claudius, Claudio means "lame" by virtue of the Latin adjective claudus. Yet, history reflects that Claudio is anything but. The name hails from the eminent gens Claudia, who formed one of the most esteemed patrician houses and could trace their roots to the republic's earliest days. Far from hindered, the family was known for their unshakeable pride. So much so it is said their unique etymology was employed as a tool of irony. No wonder Claudio and Claudius find a place in not one but two of Shakespeare's works: Much Ado About Nothing and Hamlet.
Claudio Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Claudio is currently #4319 on The Bump
Boy:Claudio is currently #2425 on The Bump Boy Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Claudio is currently #5264 in U.S. births
Boy:Claudio is currently #2436 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 848
from 2022
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