US Popularity:28583
Meaning:Torch; Desired; Radiance, beauty; Hazelnut
With a world of inspiration for baby, Eilin is a beautiful choice that will get them thinking. Typically given to girls, Eilin has two possible roots and a range of meanings. As a version of Elin, it comes from Helen, which signifies “torch” in Ancient Greek. Alternatively, Eilin could derive from Eileen, a moniker with various origins. Deriving from the French moniker Aveline, it may mean “desired.” As an anglicization of Eibhlín or Éibhleann in Irish, Eilin can represent “radiance” and “beauty” or “hazelnut.” Like a lantern, baby Eilin will be a bright light in your life. Let them know how nutty you are about them with the name Eilin.
Eilin Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
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+ 32
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