US Popularity:28223
Meaning:Clear-voiced; Sweet loudness
A name that might be music to your ears, Ligia is rich in Greek origin and means “clear-voiced” and “sweet loudness.” If baby comes from a family of vocalists and you can tell they'll have a fantastic pair of lungs, Ligia will suit your little one perfectly. Ligia is a form of Ligeía, the name of a siren and muse who was the daughter of the river god Achelous. Ligeia is also the titular character in a short story by Edgar Allan Poe about a mysterious maiden of exquisite beauty and intelligence. In a world full of adventure and uncertainty, a name that embodies a powerful voice may inspire baby Ligia to always speak their truth.

Ligia Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2018
- 1025
from 2012
In comparison to the previous year's data

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