US Popularity:12106
Meaning:Son of Donald; Son of Dómhnall; World; Might rule
With a name like Macdonald, your fearless little leader is destined for greatness. This surname-turned-given name has strong Irish and Scottish roots, stemming from the Gaelic family name MacDhómhnaill. It directly translates to “son of Dómhnall” or “son of Doland.” Another definition for this noteworthy title is thought to be “son of the world ruler,” thanks to its links to Dómhnall, which is composed of the Gaelic elements domno, meaning “world,” and val, meaning “might rule.” Ideal for keeping baby connected to their Celtic heritage, Macdonald can be found widespread throughout Ireland and Scotland. Rumor has it that the name came from High Kings in Ireland, making it a fitting choice for the new king of your castle.
Macdonald Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2002
- 2816
from 1990
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