US Popularity:10746
Other Origin(s):Latin
Meaning:Modest, morality, virtue; Rose
Shaleena is a lyrical girl's name of Sanskrit and Latin origin. In Sanskrit, this name means "modest,” “morality,” or “virtue; " and is closely linked to the name Shalini, a popular choice among the Hindu community. Others associate Shaleena with the Spanish name Chalina, which translates to “rose” in Latin. Both origins and meanings give baby a natural beauty and charming humbleness, making it a blossoming choice for your bundle of joy!

Shaleena Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2002
+ 2771
from 1998
In comparison to the previous year's data
  • 100,000+ Baby Names by Bruce Lansky, pg. 105, 265, 276, 277

  • Behind the Name, Shalina, November 2006

  • Behind the Name, Shalini, March 2006

  • Name Doctor, Shalini

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