US Popularity:8766
Other Origin(s):Yiddish
Meaning:Lily, rose; Beautiful; God is gracious
Shene is a girl's name of Hebrew and Yiddish origin. It's most likely inspired by Shana and the longer Shoshana, which means "lily," "rose," "beautiful," and "God is gracious." Just like springtime flowers, Shana symbolizes new beginnings and hope, giving your bundle of joy an endless supply of good vibes. Some other beautiful variants to consider are Shaina, Shanie, and gender-neutral Shane.

Shene Name Popularity Data

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Shene is currently #2741 on The Bump
Girl:Shene is currently #1859 on The Bump Girl Names

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1992
+ 7072
from 1991
In comparison to the previous year's data

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