Other Origin(s):African, Arabic
Meaning:Arena; Messenger; Dawning; Shining; Path; Moonlight; Fierce warrior; Visitor, guest
Zira is a feminine name with a variety of potential origins and meanings. Thanks to its Hebrew roots, Zira can be a variant of the Hebrew words zirá, meaning “arena” or “messenger,” and zerah, meaning “dawning” or “shining.” Whether you want to celebrate baby as a sunrise in your life or a powerful voice that needs to be heard by all, Zira can make for plenty of inspiration. Zira can also have roots in a variety of African languages, from meaning “path” in Shona to coming from the Berber name Tiziri, meaning “moonlight.” In Arabic, Zira may also come from Zirar, meaning “fierce warrior,” and Zaira, meaning “visitor” or “guest.” For a name that encourages baby’s welcoming heart, fierce spirit, or love for the nighttime, Zira can make for a versatile choice.

Zira Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2019
+ 4437
from 2018
In comparison to the previous year's data
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