US Popularity:12090
Meaning:Broken-hearted, sorrowful
Diedre is a feminine name of Irish origin, derived from Deirdre—a title in ancient Irish folklore. Meaning “broken-hearted” and “sorrowful,” Deirdre is tied to one of the most tragic heroines in the Ulster Cycle, a collection of stories about pre-Christian Ireland. According to legend, Deirdre was a beautiful maiden prophesized to bring harm to Ulster, the northern province of Ireland. After basically living as Aurora from Sleeping Beauty, Deirdre escaped seclusion with the love of her life, Naoise. However, Naoise is sadly killed in an attack, and the story ends with Deirdre’s own demise of a broken heart. If you love Irish tales and ancient mythologies, Diedre is a lyrical tribute for the new wonder in your life—despite its melancholic endearments.

Diedre Name Popularity Data

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 1999
- 269
from 1998
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