US Popularity:94
Other Origin(s):Latin
Meaning:God has answered; sun
Eliana is a feminine name of largely Hebrew origin, though it bares compelling ties to the myths of ancient Greece. Its Hebrew roots place Eliana as a variation of Eliyanah, sharing its meaning "God has answered." Yet there is much to suggest that Eliana may have a different calling. Following a Latin route, Eliana finds a likeness to the Latin name Aeliana, meaning "sun," derived from the Roman family name Aelius. Closely related to the Greek word helios, Eliana emerges as a reference to the ancient moon goddess's brother. Personifying the sun itself, Helios would ride across the skies on a chariot of fire, bringing dawn to dusk. Whether Eliana decides to follow a destiny marked by a higher being or blaze a trail of their own is a choice only they can make—an exciting honor indeed!
Common Nicknames for Eliana
Nicknames come in all shapes and sizes. And if you love the name Eliana, you’re in luck, because the options are cuter than ever! From the sweet to the sassy, we’ve got you and baby covered.
How Popular Is The Name Eliana?
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Eliana is currently #8 on The Bump
Girl:Eliana is currently #7 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Eliana is currently #94 in U.S. births
Girl:Eliana is currently #34 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 8
from 2022
Britannica, Helios: Greek god, August 2023
Behind the Name, Eliana-2, January 2019
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