US Popularity:272
Other Origin(s):Roman
Lucia is the feminine form of Lucius and of Italian origin, meaning “light.” Lucia is both a first name and a surname and comes from the Latin word lux. Lucia is the more lyrical form of Lucy, with its graceful -ia ending appealing greatly to the ear. Lucia exudes sunshine and warmth and is ideal for a one-of-a-kind personality like baby’s. Beloved in many languages, Lucia is used in Spanish, English, Slavic, Portuguese, and Romanian. A name like Lucia will always remind baby they can be their own shining light on the darkest of nights.

Lucia Name Popularity Data

The Bump Ranking

Overall:Lucia is currently #355 on The Bump
Girl:Lucia is currently #257 on The Bump Girl Names

U.S. Births

Overall:Lucia is currently #272 in U.S. births
Girl:Lucia is currently #109 in U.S. births

Yearly Ranking Change:

in 2023
+ 17
from 2022
In comparison to the previous year's data
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