US Popularity:76
Meaning:honor; shining light
Nora is a feminine name of primarily Latin origin, though it holds compelling roots in Irish culture. Considered a pet form of Honora, Nora assumes its meaning "honor" from the Latin honorius. A title synonymous with respect and reverence, it's no wonder Nora became a popular appellation across many cultures. In Hungary, Nora earned the additional meaning of "shining light" due to its close similarities to Eleonóra. Meanwhile, in France, Nora stood firm as a virtuous title finding no need to enhance its honorable meaning. Yet its sheer popularity in Ireland led many to believe it originated from the Irish Onóra, which too stands for "honor." There it remains a favored choice, inspiring the equally beloved Noreen.
Nora Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Nora is currently #33 on The Bump
Girl:Nora is currently #30 on The Bump Girl Names
U.S. Births
Overall:Nora is currently #76 in U.S. births
Girl:Nora is currently #25 in U.S. births
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 2023
+ 3
from 2022
Online Etymology Dictionary, Nora
Library Ireland, Onóra
Ancestry, Nora Family History
Online Etymology Dictionary, Helen
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