US Popularity:3886
Meaning:Rich, bountiful; Sincerity; Kindness; Rough
Minoru is a Japanese masculine name sure to encourage ample abundance in baby's future. Depending on the kanji evoked, Minoru may embody any measure of redeemable qualities, from "sincerity" to "kindness." Admirable as these attributes may be, its most celebrated meaning is perhaps "rich" or "bountiful." In the context of Minoru Arakawa, founder of Nintendo of America, it's a most fitting meaning—whether referencing ingenuity or wealth. That Minoru Arakawa's kanji translates to "rough" demonstrates most beautifully that even from the most unlikely of sources, the most coveted fruit may emerge. What foundations shall you choose for baby to grow?
Minoru Name Popularity Data
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1939
+ 1618
from 1938
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