US Popularity:11424
Meaning:Slowly; To allow; Promise; Inspect; Brilliant rising sun
Even with two letters, the masculine name Xu packs a serious punch! It's of Chinese origin and has many forms across languages, from Mandarin Hsu to Filipino Ngo. Xu has many meanings, including "slowly," "to allow," "promise," "inspect," and "brilliant rising sun." It's famously shared with the ancient state of Xu of the Bronze Age, ruled by the Ying family. Nowadays, Chinese actor and singer Timmy Xu of Addicted is the name's leading bearer. Your little one will surely rise to the challenge and forge their own brilliant legacy!
Xu Name Popularity Data
The Bump Ranking
Overall:Xu is currently #4466 on The Bump
Boy:Xu is currently #2510 on The Bump Boy Names
Yearly Ranking Change:
in 1988
No comparison data from 1987
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