
After Mom's Milk Supply Dries Up at 2AM One Cop Springs Into Action

Frantic to feed her inconsolable baby in the middle of the night with all stores closed, one police officer with the help of a Meijer supermarket worker got this Ohio mom the formula she needed.
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By Wyndi Kappes, Associate Editor
Published July 10, 2024
mom holding baby bottle at night
Image: Miljan Zivkovic | Shutterstock

There are few things that inspire as much panic and despair as not being able to give your baby what they need. While late-night feedings can often be difficult, after one Ohio Mom’s milk supply dried up surreptitiously, what began as a bad night quickly turned into an emergency with an inconsolable 1-week-old. With no stores open, no help and nowhere else to turn, she called 911, and thankfully, Corporal Hunter Willoughby of the Miami Township Police sprang into action.

“My heart went out to her,” Willoughby told Today in an interview. “She said her baby had been screaming for a couple of hours and I’m a dad — I know how hard that can be. Those first few months are a whirlwind of emotions.”

The body cam footage of what happened next is now going viral on Facebook after being shared by Chief of Police Mike Mills. In the video, Willoughby arrives at a Meijer supermarket that had been closed for several hours. Using a flashlight, he begins pounding on the glass door. “I just had a feeling someone would be there,” Willoughby explains. His instincts were right, and after he explained the situation, an employee graciously allowed Willoughby into the store.

Willoughby rushes to the formula aisle, carefully studies the options, and, after a quick back-and-forth (relatable!), makes a selection. After the Meijer employee reminds him of the mother’s need for a bottle, he doubles back for one, and he’s off! “I called the mom and told her I’d see her in a couple of minutes,” Willoughby says.

When Willoughby stepped out of his police cruiser holding a grocery bag, he says a look of relief washed over the exhausted mom. “She was super appreciative and tried to pay me, but I refused,” Willoughby shares. He says it wasn’t a long conversation, as the woman had a hungry baby to feed.

In the comments of the video, mothers, concerned citizens and parents from around the world sent their thanks to officer Willoughby and expressed their support for the new mom. “This is what the world needs more of. Hats off to him today. I hope he is sleeping in too,” wrote one commenter. “Also, thank you, Meijer team, for allowing this officer to come in and buy something after hours! You aren’t going unnoticed, either. It takes a village. I wish more people would see this,” added a parent.

“If the mom needs additional help, will you please post it? I would gladly purchase some items to help out,” wrote one mom. “Does this mother need any additional resources that we can help with? I am happy to drop off a gift card to the station if there is a way to get it to her. Strong work from this Mom for reaching out for help in a time of need. Parenting is hard,” chimed in another.

Others also shouted out resources to help parents who may run into another late-night feeding emergency. From your local hospital to fire departments and WIC offices, many communities offer safe havens for families seeking resources or formula for baby. If you or a loved one are experiencing a parenting emergency, don’t hesitate to reach out to the National Maternal Mental Health hotline at 1-833-TLC-MAMA or the 24/7 Parent Stress Hotline at 1-800-632-8188.

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